Give this quote some time before reading on.
“Most men die at 27, we just bury them at 72.”
This quote was originally from Mark Twain. I hope that you all took some time to give this quote some thought and didn’t just assume I was trying to give you a chuckle. If you give it some thought this quote can give you a lot of great insight on life. I found this quote in a tweet on Twitter. Here is the rest of that tweet.
“My Thoughts: At 27, everyday becomes mundane. People go to a 9 to 5 job. They’re trapped by their mortgage and responsibilities. They drug themselves with Netflix, video games, and watching sports. You die when your dreams die. You die when you accept “this is how life is.”
My advice is to spend time (and lots of it) reflecting on what you want in life. So much of what we “wanted” was due to society’s conditioning and our parent’s projections. You can’t get what you want in life if you haven’t figured out what the end goal is.”
That’s a lot of insight packed into an 11 word quote. In order to navigate life successfully we must have a plan, we must have goals to help us complete that plan. This applies to your trading and your life in general. Have goals for everything you do in life. Map out where you want to be next year, five years and even ten years from now.
My goal in life was to retire at 50. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do that because I didn’t have a life plan to get me to that goal. When I realized at 48 I wasn’t going to reach my goal of retiring at 50 I decided it was time to put a plan in place. I reassessed where I was at and put a plan in place to retire at 55. I was able to meet that deadline and would have been able to retire at 55 should I have wanted to. I didn’t however since I was enjoying my job at the time and stayed for two additional years retiring at 57.
You can have all you want in life. You just have to know what it is that you want and then map out the plan to get you there.
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