In my 20+ years as a trader and trader coach what I’ve learned is that trading is never easy. It’s hard when you’re losing, where it feels like nothing is going right. It’s also hard when you’re winning, where it starts to feel so natural you just let yourself slide a little, stop doing the little things that gave you some success, and eventually find yourself having lost all momentum.
Basically, it’s just always a challenge. One that’s hard enough even with a team of people who support you. Without that? I’d say it’s damn nearly impossible and pretty dumb.
Think about it, pro athletes have people helping them perform at their highest levels whether physically or mentally. No matter what’s happening, they always know exactly where they can turn to for help and support so that they can keep going after their goals.
If you’re a serious about trading do you have that? Do you have people in your corner who are completely supporting you on your trading journey? Who will always be there to listen and tell you exactly what they think and never sugarcoat it?
If you want that, think about joining my coaching group “Coaching With Cliff” here at Live Traders. When you join, you get to relax for a change. You’ll know that you don’t have to do it alone, that you can always reach out to find me or one of the other coaches for support and guidance, someone who will listen, understand what you’re going through, hold you accountable, and always tell you the truth.
When you join the group, we are right there with you, every step of the way. When I say “we” I mean myself, my assistant coaches and all of the other group members. We work as a team to try to make everybody successful. Those that put in the time and effort can find success.
Keep in mind trading isn’t for everybody. Many have joined the group and after a few months determined that trading isn’t for them. Joining the group probably saved them thousands of dollars, given that had they kept trading on their own without guidance, would have no doubt lost far more money.
If you have a passion for trading or would like to find out if you do, consider joining the group and let’s take your trading journey together.
More information about the group can be found at the following link:
Live Traders offers the best trading course in the business “PTS”, the best chat room as well as other courses and coaching opportunities. More information about Live Traders can be found at the following link: